Now... you could do this with ribbon, but.... you would have to work harder to get the pattern even (if you are crazy like me...) Plus it would probably cost a little more AND you would need more! So.... I used fabric! You are going to want one continuous length of fabric. I cut mine into 1 inch width. The simple way to explain the cutting is to do it with scissors and just make sure you are semi-even and it's one continuous strip of fabric.
I used a rotary cutter and a quilting mat. Easier and quicker for my, but a pain to explain. Notice that one end of my fabric is scooched up a little. When cutting my strips I started 1 inch in and cut only up to the shorter one. After the first cut I cut in 2 inches.
I then took the 2 inch strips and scooched up the shorter part so that it was over the longer part! I then cut them with my rotary so that they were 1 inch strips! See... did you get it? Cause I did it, but the discriptions got ME confused! Just use scissors and cut it into a long strip!

So... however you got here... you have a long strip of ribbon or fabric and about 10 hair ties! I wanted enough to make it stay, but I didn't want it to be so tight that there weren't circles on your head when you wore it.

Then grab another hair tie and wrap the 2 hair ties together about to times. Then wrap, wrap, wrap around the next hair tie until you are about halfway!

Then you add another! Notice how I wrapped the right and then the left on the next and the right on the next... I'm not sure this is totally necessary, but I figured it would make the wrapping more interesting cause... it takes a while and can get boring! LOL

When you are done with all 10 they kinda make a cool spooingie thingy. I think it cause of how I wrapped them, but when you finish it goes away and makes a pretty circle.

To finish you connect the last loop with the first and wrap the side you didn't wrap the first time around. It should fix the spooinginess.

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