My little sister and I decided to Tye Die shirts for the 4th. They were VERY last minute so I didn't post them, BUT after doing just the basics with those I got a little obsessed. I've Tie Dyed before. I've done the tight bands soaked in Rit... I've done the spray paint effect Tie Dying.... This was something new for me! We simply purchased this kit from Wal-Mart for about 10 bucks. And a pack of 3 V-neck men's undershirts for 8. We also bought a pack of 5 kids under shirts. You can find these near the underwear.

Picture via
I have never done this method. It's very easy and instructions are included in the box. I also found some amazing kits at The have some great instructions with links on their site for all the different supplies. You can also purchase all the supplies seperately and the different colors so if you are looking for something more specific... go for it! I will try this eventually, but for now... the all included kit from Wally World will suffic for me!
There are several videos a tutorial on the web for different patterns. Even the kits come with some great ideas. I will be posting several different ideas. The last of which I couldn't find a tutorial! So... while the initial idea wasn't mine... The method is! YEAH! I will be doing a series of post for this so... stay tuned!
Now... onto the first tutorial. A Double swirl.
First get your shirt a little damp. and flatten it out. If you don't get it wet the dye sometimes won't "soak" it wil run off! Highly annoying.
To start the swirl, pinch the bottom left corner of your shirt and spin.
Keep spinning, trying to keep it tight. You will want to keep spinning until it's about half to a 1/4 of the shirt.
When it's all spun pace rubber bands around that section to keep it together.
Then to go to the top right and spin again, but in the opposite direction. If you spin in the same direction it will make and "S" like swirl... I wanted mine spiraling away from each other.
See... here is the beginning of my 2nd swirl.
Here it is almost done!
Done swirling...
Done banding.
Its hard to take pictures of the dying process, but the dye is in a bottle so you can squirt it. Use the rubber bands as guides and squirt in sections. the part that is red was just some pink that I had left over so I placed it over part of the yellow tail to make orange! After letting sit for 6 hours, rinsing, washing and drying... HERE IT IS!!!
Neat? Yes.. NEAT!
I also did a single swirl. Over the 4th. I just pinched and swirled from the middle. Here are a few pictures from that just so you can see!
Here it is banded and dyed.
Here it is done! Baby and shirt both very cute!
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