Sunday, December 4

School Safe Snowman Snack

Wow... there are alot of "S"s in that title!  LOL  
Am I crazy for being so excited to do treats for Aurora's class again!  No?  Ok good!  I was tempted to do the reindeer treats from last year, but... my created juice wouldn't allow that!
These were pretty easy to make.  It is even easier when the kids have friends over and everyone is easily bribed with leftover snacks!  Yeah for child labor over here right?  Ha HA!
To start you will need a few things.  I snagged a couple boxes of Little Debbies Powered Donuts, a tiny detail brush, some orange paint, some bell candy (I went with Crunch because there is a kid in the class with a peanut allergy.), a black paint marker/pen, and some circles cut from coordinating paper with fun scissors!  I let my slaves cut the circles.  They were awesome!  Funny how I ended up loving the ones that weren't as perfect as the ones I cut out.
While I waited for my glue gun to heat up (and for the slaves to finish their cutting...)  I used my black paint marker to paint all the donuts like so!
Then I quick added a triangle nose with the detail brush and orange paint.
Next I used a tiny dot of hot glue and blew about 3 seconds so it wasn't to hot before putting the chocolate on top!
I then used a tiny dot of glue to place the hats on the snowmen heads.
See... here is the army!  Don't worry... they are easily destroyed... I mean... eaten!

Aurora's class LOVED them.  And Aurora was excited to share our little creation!


  1. What kind of bags did you use to put the donuts in? They are so cute!

    1. Mine came pre-packaged! So... it that was super awesome. I suppose you could use sandwich plastic bags and just tape the extra bag part in the back.

  2. Where did you find boxes of donuts? I've looked a few places and haven't found them. I will probably use snack bags...

    1. I found the dounuts at Walmart in the bakery section 12 for like $3.00

    2. I found mine at the Commisary (Military Grocery Store...) near the base I live at. But I think I have seen them at Walmart too@

  3. Wonderful Idea, am so going to do this next Christmas. Our schools won't allow home made treats anymore so this is great!

  4. Thanks for the idea! I was looking for something I didn't have to entirely create from scratch, but that was still creative and fun for the kindergarten kiddos at school. My daughter is taking 20 of these to her class tomorrow :). We purchased 3 tubs of 30 powdered donuts and wrapped each one in a small ziploc sandwich bag with the bag vertical. Then I used packing tape to secure the "excess" part of the bag (sides and top - tucking in the ziploc part behind the snowman). I couldn't find the bell candy so I used striped Christmas colored Hershey Kisses and red and green cardstock paper for the base. The rest of what I did was the same as you and so they are "drying" right now. Can't wait to package them up for her! She is excited and enjoyed helping with the black dot "buttons" and placing the hat on top. Thanks again! :)
