Tuesday, May 18

Mermaid Coral Crown

Aurora's shirt had a mermaid on it today so naturally she wanted a mermaid crown!  My attempt turned out... not quite what I wanted, but it worked!

I started by parting the front portion of her hair into 4 parts and keeping them separated in temp clips.
I then started with the front right portion down near her ear.  All I did was take a tiny piece of it and twist, twist, twist!
Add another section to it and twist twist twist again!
Keep on going until you come to the center, then start adding hair from the bottom left potrion you saved!
Keep going until it's long enough to place into a half pony.  (My daughter's hair is a little thin so I should have used the hair from the half pony as I was going on the down side.)  When I do it again I will!)

Next... do the same to the opposite side to create a crown effect!

Add a cute bow and you've got yourself a Mermaid Coral Crown!

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