Friday, April 1

General Conference Ideas

Since we are mid vacation/moving I haven't been able to create anything fun for you for General Conference, but...  Thanks to the wonderful world of the internet and the amazing skills of others, I still have some fun ideas to share with you!

Sugardoodle always has a great collection of packets for Conference.  I choose #2 by Angela Roberts.  It is pretty long!  But it also has some great little crafty things at the end.  If all else fails... choose this!

I downloaded bingo cards from CompGuy. His cards are colorful and easy to understand for small ones.  They have pictures and words.  All you have to do is click and it refreshes to print a new bingo card!
  • Use M&M's and then the winnings will go on ice cream that night.
  • Use beans they can trade for sandwich toppings during lunch.
  • Use pebbles you can trade for snacks or treats.  5/1 maybe?
  • Or eat the yummies when you win for instant gratification!
My kids are maze fans.  My husband and I used to draw these by hand until we found Puzzlemaker on the Discovery Education site!  Thank you puzzle maker... I am NOT a great maze maker.  We will use mazes for when they begin to get antsy.  The Puzzlemaker has several different types of puzzle creation.
  • Crossword
  • Word Find
  • Crypotograms
  • Hidden Phrases
  • Math Blocks
Also I found these Book of Mormon Paper Dolls on The Red Headed Hostess.  Hers I plan on having as more of a dress up set.  These Nephi Paperdolls on My Heart Vine were inspired by the first dolls.  They are easier to tell the Nephi story with.  But...  I got extra craft and printed them onto iron-on fabric.  The kids will them color them and I am ironing them to flannel to make a flannel board kit.

We play a game with treats every year.  I set up their fun table with 8 bowls of treats.  I then write a topic and draw a picture on a paper under each bowl.  When they hear the word spoken in conference they are allowed to take ONE of those treats from the bowl.  But...  NOT during the prayer.  The first year we did this we quickly discovered that some words are uttered ALOT!  So here is a short list of the words and snacks we sometimes use.

Healthier Snacks

Yummier Snacks

Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith
Holy Ghost 

So...  Sweet and simple.  None of them were my original idea, but it's better than nothing right!

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