Wednesday, August 29

Chevron Sewing Desk

Welcome to 
Whipped Up Wednesday!
Where I share something I just whipped up!  Or... something I worked hard on, but... it's something made by me!

Since we have decided to homeschool the kids for part of this year due to a few extremely possible military moves, I have been on the look out for the perfect desk or table for the kiddos.  The most frustrating part about this is?  I actually have the PERFECT table, but it is in storage with the rest of our things in South Dakota!  RGG!  I have a hard time paying for something I already have and don't really want two of.

After searching Craig's List, thrift stores, garage sales, and Flea Markets with no luck, maybe I am too picky or cheap, I posted my frustration on Facebook!  Then I get a reply that one of my friends has seen something that might work down the street as their neighbor just put out the trash!  YEAH ME!

We go over to get it and find out it is actually the house of ANOTHER friend from church. So, we are loading up their trash garage work table and explain why it is treasure and how we are gunna chop it shorter to be a kid desk.  Then they say, "You know.  We actually picked up a really cool desk from the side of the road and were going to get rid of it too.  We only brought it back in the garage cause it's kinda nice and it was raining!"
 Seriously!  He said the top had been ruined, but he had created a new top.  It was sorts dirty and scratched and bumped, but wow!  So the trash table went back to the trash and this little baby went into our truck!  The card table that my sewing machine is on is long and a good length for a school desk.  And now I will have a new SEWING DESK!
I immediately set out to taping and painting what you see above!  It was so fun.  I taped out the pattern and gave my 7 year old and her friend paint brushes and told them where to paint while I went outside and sprayed the desk!  I hind sight I might have painted the desk black instead of blue, but...  I HAD blue spray paint and NOT black!  I like using what I have.  Also... I am not afraid of crazy colors!
 While the desk is not showcased in fabulous glory living in it's current location, this will have to do.  The rental we are in for now is small and has HORRIBLE lighting.  BUT I have a very colorful, inspiring desk to sew near.  It has drawers that fit my 2.5 in strip collection perfectly.  I LOVE having a little drawer right below my machine for scissors and thread.  And...  It is perfect for now!


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